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Horndon on the Hill, Essex
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The Horndon on the Hill Society/Community Forum

The Horndon Society/Community Forum was formed in January 2011 by the amalgamation of the Horndon Society and the Horndon Community Forum. It continues to promote conservation and enhancement of the village, for the benefit of those who live and work here and those who visit. This may be by direct schemes such as tree planting and street clean-ups. The Society/Forum also acts as a conduit through which Villagers can voice their opinions and concerns to the local authority and to other relevant bodies. Ward Councillors and representatives of the Neighbourhood Police and Horndon School often attend meetings. The Society/Forum also promotes opportunities for people to get together and foster a positive sense of community by organising events such as talks, exhibitions, quizzes and as the parent group behind the annual Feast and Fayre.

Membership is free to all who live and work in Horndon. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. in the Woolmarket on the first Wednesday of each month except August. Everyone is welcome to attend and the Society/Forum offers open discussion on local concerns.

Details of the forum including minutes of the meetings see:- Horndon Society/Community Forum